Do you know your excess weight can be an obstacle in boosting your T-levels?
Yeah, you read that right!
Testosterone levels primarily affect your weight.
Optimal testosterone levels encourage a healthy weight.
Before proceeding, let’s first know What Is Testosterone and What Is The Function of Testosterone in the Body?
Further, to understand how does testosterone helps in weight loss, it's important to know the functions of this male sex hormone.
High levels of testosterone promote the following developments in males:
Deep voice
Increased muscle mass
Strong bones
Male fertility and healthy sperm count
Produced by the testicles in males, this hormone is the key male sex hormone.
But that doesn't mean only men have this hormone in their body. Females also produce testosterone.
In females, this hormone helps in the growth, maintenance, and repair of female reproductive organs.
So, a good T-count is necessary for both males and females.
However, the levels of testosterone decrease in the body as you get older.
As you know, low testosterone levels lead to loss of muscle mass which is directly linked to weight loss. As low BMI leads to weight gain.
Secondly, high testosterone levels not only help in increasing muscle mass but also help in the reduction of leptin (responsible for the regulation of fat in the body).
As your weight goes down, your body produces more and more testosterone.
Hence, weight loss and testosterone levels are directly connected to each other.
Therefore, a lot of men who suffer from low T-count undergo various heavy medications and take heavy drug injection doses. But they have severe side effects.
But here, we will share with you various testosterone boosting supplements which will not only increase the level of testosterone in your body but are also helpful in weight loss. And the best part is they are completely safe to use.
What Are T-Boosters?
Testosterone boosters are natural supplements made with nature-based science-backed ingredients that have various benefits including weight loss.
The Top 3 Testosterone Boosters are:
Prime Male
TestoGen, and
Hunter Test
So, let us have a quick overview of the ingredients, benefits, and prices of these products to make it easier for you to choose among them.
#1. Prime Male
Want to build muscle and get stronger fast?
Prime Male is one of the best testosterone boosters which helps to shed excess weight, especially your belly fat.
It will not only boost testosterone levels but also improves mood, boosts confidence, and strength. Plus, it helps to overcome fatigue and also boost energy levels.
Well, benefits from Prime Male are exceptional.
Some Prime Male Benefits are:
Lower blood pressure
Controlled blood sugar levels
Enhanced cognitive function
Greater libido
The unique blend of ingredients Prime Male has includes:
Asian ginseng
Vitamin B6
Prime male comes in a packaging of 120 capsules
1 month supply pack of Prime Male costs $69.00
Also, Prime Male comes with a 90 days money-back guarantee.
TestoGen also happens to carry some of the same ingredients as Prime Male. Plus, it also offers free worldwide delivery.
Read Prime Male vs TestoGen to compare both the T-Boosters and their benefits.
Now, moving on to the next testosterone booster in line-TestoGen.
#2. TestoGen
TestoGen is one of the Best Selling Testosterone Boosters which is easy and effective to use.
In fact, it’s the safest product available in the market which is made with 11 natural ingredients including:
D - Aspartic Acid
Vitamin D3
Nettle leaf extract
Korean red ginseng extract
Fenugreek extract
Vitamin K1
Vitamin B6
Benefits of TestoGen
11 nature-based ingredients
Improved formula with ingredients that help in better absorption to enhance testosterone production.
Made with botanical extracts
Enhances mental alertness and focus.
Improve muscle size with increased strength and stamina.
TestoGen's one month supply costs $59.99 (less than Prime Male).
The last product which is of interest is Hunter Test.
#3. Hunter Test
Want to rebuild your strength and confidence?
Try Hunter Test Today!
Hunter test is a safe testosterone booster that naturally boosts your t -levels.
Made with 9 nature-based ingredients, Hunter Test includes:
Vitamin D3
Vitamin K2
D-Aspartic Acid
Asian ginseng
Ashwagandha extract
Benefits of Hunter Test include:
Increased energy levels
Enhanced sex drive
Raised confidence
The supplement comes in a packaging of 180 tablets. Hunter Test costs $75.00 for one month.
Well, Prime Male and Hunter Test are somewhat similar in that they share some properties.
So, do have a look at Hunter Test vs Prime Male Review to find out which T-Booster will be a better fit for you.
Final thoughts
In conclusion, what I would recommend is that all the testosterone boosters available in the market are exceptionally great.
So, whether you want to reduce body fat or boost your T-count, these testosterone boosters provide both the benefits.
The only thing you need to do is follow a proper diet and exercise schedule to get fast results.